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Our Commitment

威尼斯人体育在线坚定不移地致力于为我们的客户提供最高质量的产品,并回馈我们的邻居和周围社区. 我们致力于利用我们作为雇主和建设者的责任,提供最高的道德标准, quality and safety. Our commitment extends into the communities in which we work, and the families who live there as well.


  • Core Values
  • Core Values



Safety is our culture. Protecting the lives of our clients, employees, 分包商和公众是我们最大的价值和指导我们的理念. 我们的领导人认识到他们有责任建立和维护卓越的工作场所.

通过我们屡获殊荣的安全绩效和核心安全计划的指导,他们的承诺得到了证明和证明. Our methodology of achieving safety excellence relies on a simple approach and message; “No One Gets Hurt.”




    规划确定主要操作的危害和风险,然后进行详细的评估. Planning minimizes risk while improving quality and operations.


    Accountability is critical to success. 每个项目经理的安全绩效每年都要进行一次考核,以达到更高的绩效水平, they have to get to a higher level of relating.


    每个项目组成员都有义务每周与行业人员进行干预. 这些干预被称为REAP(回顾员工的行为和表现)积极的干预是建立信任和创造整体工作环境的有力工具.

Safety Starts With Leadership

Safety Starts With Leadership

Safety Is Our Culture

 Safety Is Our Culture


At The Walsh Group, quality is our legacy. As a core value, 提供最高质量标准是每个人的责任,也是实现我们成为北美最有价值的建筑服务提供商的愿景的关键. 通过我们共同的质量政策理念,我们授权每位员工在他们的运营中提供卓越的质量.

In being the Builder of Choice for our customers, 我们的团队致力于为每个项目提供优质的产品.

  • 拥抱以质量为导向的文化,建立在信任、诚信和开放沟通的基础上.
  • Pro-actively completing work safely and Right the First Time.
  • Empowering and expecting our employees to promote Quality, 必要时停止工作,以确保产品和服务的质量.
  • Taking Pride in Our Work.

Through our projects, we are proud to provide a legacy of Quality for our employees, our communities and our customers.

  • Walsh Group Quality
  • Walsh Group Quality
  • Walsh Group Quality

Ethics & Compliance

100多年来,威尼斯人体育在线一直致力于维护最高的法律, moral and ethical standards in our industry. 威尼斯人体育在线对道德的承诺贯穿于我们整个公司,从我们如何与客户合作到我们如何对待员工. 为了确保我们达到我们为自己设定的标准,我们坚持 Walsh Code of Business Ethics & Conduct in all that we do.

威尼斯人体育在线通过各种必要的道德培训,为员工提供做出道德选择所需的知识和技能,并以诚实和透明的方式开展业务. An ethics Hotline is also available to Walsh employees, subcontractors and the public to confidentially ask questions, seek guidance or report suspected violations of company policy, law or our ethical standards.

As a founding member of the Construction Industry Ethics & Compliance Initiative (CIECI), 威尼斯人体育在线与业内其他领导者合作,在整个建筑行业推广诚信和道德行为.

Contact the Ethics Hotline:

Phone – 888.873.6086
Email –
Mailing Address:
      The Walsh Group, Attn: Hotline
      929 West Adams, Chicago, IL 60607

Diversity and Inclusion

At The Walsh Group, we are determined to make each and every employee feel heard, valued, and supported, celebrating diversity across endless boundaries together. More importantly, we believe that by growing meaningful relationships, and embracing each other with empathy, we will create a best-in-class culture. To achieve this goal, we must fully commit to the creating an inclusive environment, with the support of Walsh Diversity and Inclusion.

The mission of Walsh Diversity and Inclusion is to:

  • 1. 教育员工如何倡导和支持同事;
  • 2. Empower all to share perspectives and actively listen;
  • 3. Lead by innovation and advocacy;
  • 4. Measure and transparently share our corporate journey

Celebrating the differences in who we are, what we've done, 我们的信仰不会抹去我们共有的价值观和文化, it enhances it. 要成为客户的首选建筑商,我们必须首先成为员工的首选雇主.

Community Outreach

威尼斯人体育在线致力于投资于我们工作和生活的社区. 我们的成长和发展根植于周边环境. From work with local organizations to repairing houses, we are dedicated to giving back to enhance the future for others.

我们也明白,我们的项目在每个项目的生命周期内为社区提供就业和培训, 并在贸易和施工管理领域打开机会之门. We are dedicated to ensuring that community residents, minorities and females, 获得在我们的行业中取得成功的机会.

我们的平等机会招标程序和施工前的外展研讨会将当地供应商聚集在一起, subcontractors, and trades people. 我们深入社区了解需求,以便我们能够最好地制定项目具体的居民招聘计划. 我们为我们的指导计划感到自豪,该计划在领导者,老牌公司和新兴的小型弱势企业之间建立了有效的工作关系. 这些关系使M/W/DBE受益于成熟公司提供的知识和经验, and identifies the needs, actions, and results required to be a contractor, consultant, and/or supplier.

Mission Statement & Core Values

  • Our Mission

    通过为客户提供最高水平的内部专业知识,引领建筑服务行业, Safety, 一个完全集成的服务套件和家庭经营方式.

  • Our Core Values

    The Builder of Choice
    The Employer of Choice
    Highest Standards of Ethics, Quality, and Safety
    Fair Balance of Responsibility, Profitability, and Citizenship.



929 West Adams Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607
T: 312.563.5400
F: 312.563.5466



2839 Paces Ferry Road SE
Suite 1200
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
T: 404.495.8700
F: 404.495.8701



36 York Mills Road
Suite 302
Toronto, Ontario M2P 2E9
T: 416.849.9000
F: 416.849.9100

©2024 The Walsh Group. 平等机会雇主(EEO),包括残疾/受保护的退伍军人 (link). All Rights Reserved. View our EEO Policy here: (link). 查看联邦、州和联邦承包商海报的数字副本: (link)

The Walsh Group, Ltd. 是否致力为合资格的残疾申请人提供平等的机会竞聘工作. 在填写此申请表时要求提供合理的便利, 请通过电话312-563-5905或电子邮件HR@walshgroup与人力资源部联系.com. 威尼斯人体育在线不会根据申请人的工资或薪资历史来筛选他们,也不会从申请人的现任或前任雇主那里寻求这些信息.   Walsh Canada Accessibility